front yard was landscaped by the home builder, but it was really basic. we had to put in the backyard (which was a weed forest by the time we started this in 2002) and changed up half the front yard. landscaping is sooo expensive! never knew...
here is the view from the 2nd floor, looking down on the fruit tree area just as they were starting work.

the arbor was one of the first items completed.

here is the front area we redid. it used to just be grass, all the way up to the cement. so we added the little off-set stairs (easier access to the front door) and the area for the bonsai.

arbor painted, plants going in.

Completed! Fruit tree area:

Patio/arbor from back left corner:

Front mini Bonsai garden next 2 driveway:

very back walkway, at back side of house:

back left corner looking at house, arbor:

and my favorite trees, a japanese acer maple and a weeping ornamental crab apple:

I'll post current pics so I can compare how much everything has grown. we are truly lazy gardeners!
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