in 2005 we had bamboo hardwood flooring installed, ripping out all the old wall-to-wall carpeting.

the furniture from Room & Board came in July 2008 and we already love the sectional. still playing around with configuration, but it is comfortable and functional, as well as very stylish. God played a little joke on me and the very first night we had it, thomas threw up all over 2 of the cushions (poor little guy was sick and choked on some phlegm). God's way of reminding me that He was only humoring me and to remind me not to value mere furniture over things that are eternal, that everything in this life is temporary except for God's salvation in Jesus Christ. However, I must say that leather is awesome. Those particles of throw-up would never have come out if I had gone with the standard fabric.

I'll post final pictures, with all the stuff on the piano and under the coffee table cleared when the chandelier is hung. can't wait to see what it looks like out of the box!